My portrait of Panda, finalist in the African Women in Spain Photography Award – Women for Africa Foundation
Africa, Awards, Galicia, Journalism, Migration, New Galicians - Novos Galegos, Photography
The portrait I shot of Panda in Vigo’s Port, included in my proyect New Galicians, has been selected as a finalist image for the III African Women in Spain Award of the Women for Africa Foundation (Fundación Mujeres por Africa).
Panda lives in Vigo since 2014, when she came to work at the communications and marketing department of a big fisheries company based in Vigo that manages the distribution of fish between Namibia and the European Union.
To see the gallery of images selected for the Award click here: http://www.mujeresporafrica.es/galeria-fotos-finalistas-premio/index.html
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